Vintage Friday . Merry Christmas

Good morning and happy Vintage-Friday-Christmas-Eve!

This year is our first Christmas in our new home. The first home my husband and I have owned together which alone has made this Christmas extra special. So this year we’re starting new traditions and as a result I’m finding myself reflecting a lot. 2010 has been a crazy year and now that I’m finally taking a breather I’m looking back at my dear friends who have welcomed new babies into their lives, said goodbye to loving parents that have passed, and made big changes in their lives to better themselves and I feel very very very blessed. We don’t get to tell the people we love every day how much they impact us but when I learned of a new friend losing two of her dear friends in a plane crash yesterday I had to take some time to remember how short life is and how much we have to appreciate all we have while we still can. Christmases are the perfect time to do that, doncha think?

This ‘Baby Santa’ was purchased by my grandparents in 1955 and was made by the Knickerbocker Toy Co. inc. in New York City. He is an over-wound music box and he comes out to keep us company every year at Christmas time. My Mom claims he isn’t vintage yet but I think he fits in just fine.

Merry Christmas everyone.

2 responses to “Vintage Friday . Merry Christmas

  1. Didn’t notice the winding key on the Santa until I took a second look at the photos after reading your post. Love it. But do tell…. what song does it play?

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