Vintage Friday

Raise your hand if you miss film. Is yours up? Mine is up – way up.

Some day I’ll get back into shooting with it and developing it. In fact ideas are already forming on that front. I may not set it up the way I used to with the trays in the bathtub and enlarger sitting on my toilet, but I will develop black and white film again and print my own grainy photos on beautiful archival paper. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking digital I love love love digital. It’s made life so much easier in so many ways, but downloading a memory card will never replace the feeling of excitement of seeing a photo appear on a sheet of photo paper in a darkroom.

So, this Vintage Friday is a small tribute to film cameras borrowed from a collector and not even dusted off.

One response to “Vintage Friday

  1. Fun photos. Love the light and shadows in the photo with the two cameras.

    Next week could you shoot something creepy for vintage friday?

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