Tracy & Nirmal . Part I

Sometimes it’s hard for me to put a wedding day into words. Steeped in so much tradition and ceremony, Tracy and Nirmal’s double-ceremony celebration was one of those days. I admired their patience and marveled at their stamina while they prepared for their first ceremony in the wee hours of the morning and for their second in the early evening. This was a non-stop day that married two cultures and two kind-hearted souls.

I hope you enjoy looking at their photos as much as we enjoyed taking them.

Stay tuned for Part II coming later this week.

3 responses to “Tracy & Nirmal . Part I

  1. What a beautiful wedding–the colours are gorgeous. Tracy you look so beautiful and you and Nirmal look so happy. I can’t wait to see Part II

  2. Love this set of photos Anne-Marie and your new blog format.

    Fabulous photo of Tracy’s braid under her veil while she is signing the wedding papers.

    Loved the photo of the slippered feet too.

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