Today was a hard day leaving my little tiny girl in her high chair eating her breakfast as I ran out the door to catch the bus. As I rode away I realized that all I wanted was to go back and see her in her bumblebee costume and hear her laugh one more time, or a million more times today. Everyone says “it goes by so fast” and it does, and for some reason today was harder than most.

Image by Tara McMullen Photography
This week I photographed the School Breakfast Program‘s 25th anniversary Gala and listened to stories about thousands of little kids whose families for some reason or another can’t afford breakfast. Maybe they’re a single Mom or Dad working multiple jobs who don’t have time to make their babies breakfast in the morning, maybe they don’t have enough money for breakfast. No matter the reason, I’m glad this program is out there to help those kids get a full belly before school starts for the day and I’m thankful we can do that for Maddie even if I do have to run out the door while she’s eating it, at least I get to pick her up at the end of the day and hear that little laugh again, or whine, or cry.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about Phoebe this week. She’s been fighting cancer for five years now. Five years you guys! and she’s only five years old. Imagine that. If you haven’t read it before Phoebe’s Mom Jenny writes her own blog about Phoebe’s journey, battle, and progress. I particularly loved what Jenny wrote at the end of her last post,
“The best part of our day was driving home and listening to Phoebe ask for a snack and sing along to the radio again. She has been so quiet lately and it’s so nice to hear her voice. She also started telling us exactly how she feels and getting mad that she needs a bath … it’s like music to my ears, her little feisty voice.”
Thanks Jenny for your honesty and information and thanks School Breakfast Program for your dedication to little tummy’s. Stay tuned for more info on Photos for Phoebe this year, I’m just working out some logistics but should get to announce it soon.
If you need any help – an extra set of hands or anything at all – with Photos for Phoebe, let me know and I would be more than happy to help. xo
Fantastic post. Thank you for sharing.
Can’t wait for your next Photos for Phoebe shoot. I love getting updates on Phoebe’s progress and can’t wait to support her family and get gorgeous photos of my own babies (even if they are 13, 10 and 7) at the same time.