Family session . Waiting on baby

This already fabulous family of four is waiting on baby #3 to add to the mix.

Ottawa family photographer

Ottawa family photographer

When I arrived at this home on an early Saturday morning I was greeted by a very happy Mum and Dad and two almost invisible little ones. At first, Logan wasn’t too keen on having his picture taken. Kenzie was cautiously shy. But, about 10 minutes later the house filled with laughter and their smiles were bursting at the seams. Perfection. In fact, Logan insisted I help him build a train before I left. I happily obliged, after all I did promise him I would if he sat still for 10 whole pictures – I may have cheated and taken a few more but in the end I think he was okay with that.

Ottawa family photographer

Ottawa baby photographer

Ottawa family photographer

Ottawa family photographer

Ottawa family photographer

Ottawa family photographer

4 responses to “Family session . Waiting on baby

  1. These are wonderful pictures of Kim Andy and the kids. So many to choose from it will be hard cause I want 100 of them
    Gaga with love

    1. They were such fun to photograph and I will happily arrange for you to have 100 photos of your choice 😉 Thanks very much for the comment Gaga 🙂

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