Bye Bye 2015

Bye Bye 2015


As 2015 wraps itself up in a nice snow filled white bow, I’m reminded of all the incredible memories that were created this year.

2015 Recap AMBphoto

I feel like every year just keeps getting better than the last. My family is growing which is scary and exciting, my photography continues to surprise me, and my friendships just keep getting stronger. I feel very blessed.

This year saw my first BC island wedding (with the hopes of many more), the engagement of a dear friend, and first babies born to other dear friends. My best friend finally moved back into the country, I’ve shot more film than ever before, beautiful images were created by my assistant and second shooter Kelly, a new friendship formed with a new assistant, Emma, dreams of a bigger Photos for Phoebe to support the fight against childhood cancer, and sadness in saying goodbye to her. Finally with dreams to expand my business and make everything bigger and better, 2016 is going to be huge. I experienced unwavering industry support when I fought and won my first image copyright legal battle, continuing to teach me not to be stepped on and to believe in myself and my work (thank you Marielle, Christiane, Lynn, Jessica, Jen and Cat! Don’t steal pics people it’s not cool). I saw my friend Cat grow her business into new cities and continue to impress me with her stamina and passion for business.

I saw my husband transform his life winning awards at his new job, learning to run and while becoming an incredible father and loving, supportive husband. I learned that a toddler really does run your life and that I’m beyond happy that she does (most of the time) and that my family is always there to hold my hand and help me deal with it.

In an ever-changing world of technology, competition, and fear mongering media, I’ve learned just a little bit more about my own limits and how far I can really go. It’s pretty far you guys! I’m not intimidated anymore. Happy 🙂

So on this eve of 2016 I thank all my loyal friends, those who have taken the time to help and support me, those who have trusted me to hold and photograph their newborn babies,  document their tearful hugs with their Dads before they walk down the aisle, and share their excitement as they wait for baby or get engaged. I’m thankful for my incredible family, Harold, and Maddie, for being the very best people I could live every day with. This year changed me. Being a Mama is the best path I could’ve chosen to take and makes me appreciate all the special moments I get to photograph even more.

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Final image by Tara McMullen Photography – bless her ever cozy, everlovin’ cotton socks.

Happy New Year everyone and cheers to an incredible 2016.

xo Anne

5 responses to “Bye Bye 2015

  1. Beautiful blog post Anne-Marie! You are such an incredible person that you deserve all the success and happiness that 2015 has brought. Here’s to you and an even better 2016!

  2. I see lots of beautiful people I know in here – made even more beautiful by Anne-Marie’s lens! Looking for an opportunity to enjoy your photographic talents with my family.

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